Term 4 - Week 4

 Kia Ora everybody.

What a lovely week we had last week in our Ngā Puna space. It's great to watch the children share their interests with others whilst taking full advantage of what's out and on offer during learning choices. 

We are on the hunt for ice - cream containers that are golden in colour. We have plenty of the blue and white. If you have any floating around home please pass them on to us, it would be greatly appreciated. 

A big welcome to Waimairi School to Grace this week. Happy birthday Grace and welcome to Ngā Puna.

Ngā Puna visited Wai iti (the library) today. A gorgeous space in our new building, right next door to the coffee shop. It's great to have a library in use by the school again and the kids enjoyed visiting.

Up coming dates and events

  • Monday - library day (No issuing as of yet)
  • Tuesday - Kapa Haka Day
  • Friday - hotdogs and bike day (hotdogs can only be ordered online, see the flyer below as a reminder)
  • Friday the 13th of November - Canterbury Anniversary Day - Public holiday - No school
  • Last day of Term - Friday the 18th of December

Have a lovely week all.

As usual, any questions or queries please do come and see us.


Daniel's wonderful writing

Melody, caught doing the right thing - she's someone who makes our school 'sparkle'

Enjoying our new library


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