
Showing posts from July, 2020

Term 3 Week 2

Kia Ora Koutou. Welcome to week 2 of our 10 week Term. We had a terrific start to our Term last week in Nga Puna. The children were straight back into the swing of things and our newest members have done a marvellous job at following our regular routines of the day. Being comfortable with the routines and regular events of everyday is an important part of being in  Nga Puna. So lovely to see our tamariki showing such confidence in this. We will continue to work on our Topic of 'Belonging' this week during learning choices ( Connecting to people , places and things ). One way we do this is to help foster and encourage connections between children through common interests. If you both enjoy the same thing, how about playing together? Making room and including others into play are just some of the sorts of things we help children negotiate during learning choice times. Monday Morning Meetup  Our regular whole school Meetups are back up and running again. 8:50 every Monda...

Welcome to Term 3 - Week 1

Greetings everybody. So lovely to be back with you all again after holidays. We hope you all had a well deserved break with lots of family time. A big Waimairi School welcome to our newest members in Nga Puna, Gurleen, Kaiser, Geneva, Melody, Daniel, Cota, Hamish and Alyssa. We know you'll have a great time and we are looking forward to getting to know you and your families. This Term our Topic is 'Belonging' - We are looking at how we as five year olds are connected to people, places, and things. More details will be shared as we progress through the term. Our reading this term will look a little different as we focus on explicitly teaching phonological awareness of sounds. Our sounds for this week are 's' 'm' and 'a'. Your child will still receive a reading book each night to enjoy together but may not have read it during their instructional reading time. Please read it to them and enjoy together. Eating time During our morning and lunch...