
Showing posts from August, 2020

Term 3 - Week 6

 Kia Ora all. A big thank you to all of you for your support during these level 2 times. You are all brilliant. Thanks for following the rules during drop offs and pick ups by waiting outside the school grounds. Again, you should feel very proud of your we people. They are so resilient and come in beautifully each morning. If you need to contact Lynley or Tina we are always available by email or you can phone the office to pass on a message. By following the level 2 rules now we are doing our part to get back to level 1 sooner. A big welcome to Maddie and Emma who have joined us in Nga Puna. So lovely to have you at school with us girls, and happy birthday! Also welcome to Fiona who has joined our teaching team and is working with us in Nga Puna. We are lucky to have you Fiona. Welcome to the team. We are growing in numbers and are looking forward to heading back to our old Nga Puna building (Currently called Ti Kouka)...

Term 3, Week 5

 Kia Ora Koutou. What a wonderful day we had today. The sun was shining and kids were happy. We continue to be amazed at the resilience  shown from our tamariki this year. All our children came in beautifully this morning on their own under our new level 2 requirements. You can be very proud of them all. Also lovely to see the care and attention older siblings and friends are showing towards our Nga Puna kids. Just lovely. We are re familiarising ourselves with the 'moist breathe zone' song this week. Key messages, catch your coughs and sneezes in your elbows, wash hands, stay out of moist breathe zone and stay home if sick. Here is a link to the song Ordering hotdogs for this week? Please follow instructions below. Only online purchases for hotdogs are available this week. As usual, we will take our Nga Puna kids over as a group and supervise the 'getting' of the hotdogs.  Just the usual reminders this week....

Term 3, Week 4

 Kia Ora Whanau. Welcome to Week 4 of our 10 week Term. This week we welcome Denzel to our Nga Puna whanau. Happy Birthday Denzel and welcome to school. A few snapshots below of what we have been up to last week. Fridays are particularly exciting in Nga Puna as it's hotdog day, bikes day, and....colouring in of printed picture day! Wowza!  We enjoy learning about the children's current interests whilst they share their knowledge of what they know and like about their printed colouring pictures.  Reminders/events Tuesday's - Kapa Haka with Matua Steve Friday's - hotdog day -  orders from the school hall before school $2.50 We take the Nga Children kids over and assist with the 'getting' of the hotdogs at lunchtime Friday's- bike day - bring your bike and helmet. Teachers out supervising during learning choices Thursday 27th of August - School Photos Friday 25th of September  - Last day of Term 3 Monday 12th of October - Staff Only day  Tuesday the 13th of Oc...

Term 3, Week 3

Kia Ora Whanau. Thanks so much for your patience and understanding today with our power outage issues. Never a dull moment this year! Perhaps also a timely reminder that if you haven't done so already to please join up to our school alert and messaging system. Download the app "School Apps" onto your phone. An easy way is to visit the Waimairi School website and click on the link from there. Welcome to Isla and Harper who are beginning school with us in Nga Puna this week. Welcome to school you big 5 year olds. As usual any questions or queries please do come and see us or flick us an email. Many thanks Lynley and Tina.